It all started with a spear through Da Husband’s leg.
Three Sundays ago, Da Husband went spear fishing while I was on babysitting duty. I had the whole day planned out… some indoor training, followed by a hair cut, taking a walk with the kids and dogs and catching up on some work.
Until a phone call woke me up, and Da Husband’s buddy telling me that there had been a little accident, that there was a spear through his leg and that they were waiting for air rescue.
So, instead of training, having my hair cut, walking the kids and dogs and working, the day turned into a series of trips to hospital.
Da Husband and I both had our own sets of heroes that day. His included his fishing buddy who stayed calm while trying to get help in an area with no cell phone reception, the rest of his fishing buddies on their boat who ultimately got hold of the NSRI, and the paramedics and hospital crew who helped him. Me? My day would have been a disaster, had it not been for The Bergie (Meg, we really need to get you another nickname) and Die Hard (although, now it needs to change to Olympic Sofie, methinks), who cancelled their morning and landed on my doorstep to help – no questions asked.
He’s OK, thank goodness (and currently on a boys’ fishing trip in Namibia). But that incident sparked a thought process… Something that had been a mere whisper the past year became a loud voice. I couldn’t ignore it any more…
So I decided to change my life.
A few days after The Spear Incident, I got called into a meeting to discuss some changes to my job. Ideas and opinions were exchanged, but by the end of that meeting I knew what had to be done.
For the first time in many years, I decided to put my family first.
I resigned the next morning.
By the following week I had two confirmed & really cool clients.
As from 1 October, I am officially a one-girl-band. A lone wolf. A freelancer.
Change is scary-awesome
Now, I have freelanced before and ended up failing miserably. I made really stupid mistakes and paid for them. But the important thing is to learn from your mistakes, and boy, did I learn some good lessons!
This time I’m ready.
Yeah, it’s kinda scary to know that I am in charge of my own destiny from now on. But I wouldn’t want it any other way.
Looking ahead
- Although I’ve been plagued by a sinus infection and haven’t been able to train properly for the past couple of weeks, I’m excited to get back on the horse again.
- My running rehab is coming to an end this month (ran at 90% of my body weight last week) and I have a bunch of races to look forward to. I can’t wait to get back on the running track with my friends.
- After too much time spent complaining, I am finally ready to give my health the attention it deserves and will start to report back on my progress in the coming weeks & months.
- My kids tell me every day how happy they are that I will be spending more time with them in the week, and not just an hour in the evening.